john cullinane
the bar
- oil on linen
- 51 x 41cm
- 2012
- $2,700
- courtesy of turner galleries
[turner galleries took no commission on the sale of this work]
thea costantino
- digital print
- 120 x 126cm
- 2012
- value $1,500
- Purchased from the Bankwest Contemporary Art Prize through Galerie Duseldorf
andy quilty
hot as fuck
- ballpoint pen, enamel + aerosol on arches paper
- 103 x 75cm
- 2012
- value $2,500
- courtesy of the Linton + Kay Galleries
The Sportsman's Suite
- 12 limited edition prints by 12 artists and accompanying publication, created to celebrate the 20th year of the Mark Howlett Foundation
- value $4,500
- courtesy of the Mark Howlett Foundation
level composition 8
- spirit levels, acrylic
- 37 x 37 x 7cm
- 2012
- $2,200
- courtesy of turner galleries
[turner galleries took no commission on the sale of this work]
eveline kotai
two way stretch
- oil on canvas
- 30 x 30cm
- 2012
- value $1,200
- courtesy of Connie Dietzschold Gallery, Sydney
kate mcmillan
- edition of 5
- digital photograph
- 59 x 153cm [triptych]
- 2011
- value $2,500
- courtesy of Venn Gallery
Galliano Fardin
- oil on canvas
- 53 x 53cm
- 1997
- value $1,800
- courtesy of Galerie Dusseldorf
patrick doherty
family times
- pencil on paper
- 29 x 21cm
- 2012
- value $1,140 [set of 3]
- courtesy of Venn Gallery
patrick doherty
cheetah legs
- pencil on paper
- 29 x 21cm
- 2012
- value $1,140 [set of 3]
- courtesy of Venn Gallery
patrick doherty
ppp please fall
- pencil on paper
- 29 x 21cm
- 2012
- value $1,140 [set of 3]
- courtesy of Venn Gallery
- watercolour on arches paper
- 29 x 23cm
- 2012
- value $1,800
- courtesy of turner galleries
[turner galleries took no commission on the sale of this work]
myspace [after kelly]
- scraperboard
- 28 x 22.8cm
- 2012
- value $1,400
- courtesy of turner galleries
[turner galleries took no commission on the sale of this work]
nicole slatter
- watercolour on paper
- 45 x 53cm
- 2012
- value $390
- courtesy of Perth Galleries
nicole slatter
site study
- watercolour on paper
- 45 x 53cm
- 2012
- value $440
- kindly donated by the artist