richard gunning
wheelock way interior
- oil on linen
- 65 x 67cm
- 2001
- value $2,000
- purchased from galerie dusseldorf
julie dowling
yorga: blood
- acrylic, red ochre + plastic on canvas
- 40 x 35cm
- 2002
- value $2,200
- purchased from artplace
brian mckay
- dulux on etched aluminium
- 40 x 35cm
- 2002
- value $1,500
- purchased from galerie dusseldorf
trevor richards
- 26.5 x 25cm [x4]
- 2000/02
- value $1,100 for set
- purchased from goddard de fiddes
eveline kotai
stitch print 4
- 30 x 40cm
- 2001
- value $440
- purchased from perth galleries
eveline kotai
stitch print 1
- 30 x 40cm
- 2001
- value $440
- purchased from perth galleries
paul uhlmann
song from the green field II
- oil on canvas
- 40.5 x 25.5cm
- 2002
- value $660
- purchased from gallery east
patrick mung mung
spring creek
- etching on paper
- 40 x 60cm [image] 56 x 76cm [paper]
- 2000
- value $530
- purchased from seva frangos art
bevan honey
working drawing
- charcoal + polyurethane on mdf
- 50 x 100 x 5cm
- 2002
- value $550
- purchased from the artist