chinese dotness B
- porcelain
- 23 x 20 x 23cm
- 2016
- $880
chinese dotness with necklace
- porcelain
- 34.5 x 23 x 28cm
- 2016
- $1,100 sold
chinese dotness A
- porcelain
- 23 x 20 x 23cm
- 2016
- $880 sold
desi's earrings [grey]
- bronze
- 14 x 16 x 5cm
- 2017
- $660
chinese souvenir
- porcelain
- 13 x 11 x 7cm
- 2016
- $250
crazy horse
- raku fired stoneware
- 11 x 17 x 7cm
- 2017
- $250
dragon dog
- chinese porcelain
- 23 x 25 x 11cm
- 2016
- $600
the real parents a
- porcelain
- 42.5 x 40 x 14cm
- 2016
- $2,500
the real parents b
- porcelain
- 42.5 x 40 x 14cm
- 2016
- $2,500 sold
jug doll
- chinese porcelain
- 28.5 x 13 x 8cm
- 2016
- $550
- stained stoneware + bell
- 35 x 12 x 11cm
- 2016
- $800
koala doll
- glazed chinese porcelain
- 25.5 x 8 x 7cm
- 2016
- $300
vase a
- stained + glazed stoneware
- 19 x 21 x 21cm
- 2014
- $1,300
vase b
- stained + glazed stoneware
- 21 x 21 x 15cm
- 2014
- $1,300
vase c
- stained + glazed stoneware
- 17 x 13 x 12cm
- 2014
- $1,300
vase d
- stained + glazed stoneware
- 18 x 15 x 16cm
- 2014
- $1,300
- cardboard, paper pulp, glue, marble dust, glitter, paint, prosthetic eyes
- 2013
- $880
- bronze
- 18 x 12.5 x 4.5cm
- 2013
- $550 sold
- stained terracotta, porcelain
- 14.5 x 4 x 4cm
- 2013
- $330
59, 11, 7, c, 66, 50, 18
- stained stoneware, bronze
- dimensions varied
- 2013
- individual prices [l-r]: $330, $330, $550, $1,100, $330 sold , $330, $330
- stained terracotta, porcelain
- 11 x 5.5 x 5cm
- 2013
- $220
- stained raku with stoneware slip
- 15 x 5.5 x 6cm
- 2013
- $330
couch cover [i am filled with objects]
- found couch cover, wool thread, found objects, porcelain, paper pulp
- 160 x 270cm
- 2013
- $5,500
- stained stoneware, ply
- 12.5 x 7 x 8cm
- 2013
- $330 sold
- stained porcelain, clay
- 10.5 x 10.5 x 5cm
- 2013
- $220 sold
- stained stoneware, cast silver orchid
- 10.5 x 8 x 6cm
- 2013
- $440 sold
- stained stoneware
- 10.5 x 6 x 6.5cm
- 2013
- $220
- stained stoneware
- 11 x 10 x 7cm
- 2013
- $330
- cardboard, paper pulp, glue, marble dust, gliter, paint, founc chains, wool
- 15.5 x 9 x 7cm
- 2013
- $150 sold
- glazed + stained raku + stoneware slip
- 30 x 7 x 7cm
- 2013
- $1,100 sold
1000 beads ii, iii, iv, v, vi
55, 82, 74, 21, 97, 72
- stained stoneware, stained terracotta, porcelain, bronze
- dimensions varied
- 2013
- individual prices [l-r]: $440, $330, $550 sold, $220, $110, $550 sold
- handmade stoneware, terracotta and porcelain beads
- dimensions varied
- 2013
- individual prices [l-r]: $440, $440, $550, $660, $440
- stained stoneware
- 33 x 8.5 x 8.5cm
- 2013
- $1,100
- stained stoneware
- 31 x 10 x 10cm
- 2013
- $1,300
- paper pulp, glue, marble dust, glitter, paint, wool, wire, found chain
- 37 x 15 x 15cm
- 2013
- $550 sold
oedipus and the sphinx
- edition 1/10
- screen print on magnani paper
- 70 x 50cm
- 2013
- $330 sold 1/10, 2/10
virgin and child with st anne
- edition 1/10
- screen print on magnani paper
- 70 x 50cm
- 2013
- $330 sold 1/10, 2/10
the hysteria diagnosis
- edition 1/10
- screen print on magnani paper
- 70 x 50cm
- 2013
- $330
red button blaze
- press moulded cream clay with glazed stoneware
- 37 x 11 x 11cm
- 2011
- $1,500
black wolf blaze
- press moulded stoneware with glaze
- 37 x 11 x 11cm
- 2011
- $1,500 sold
red button blaze
- press moulded stoneware with glaze
- 37 x 11 x 11cm
- 2011
- $1,500
button blink
- press moulded cream clay with glazed stoneware
- 14 x 12 x 20cm
- 2011
- $990
wolf shine
- press moulded stoneware with glaze
- 14 x 12 x 20cm
- 2011
- $990
wolf jewell
- press moulded cream clay with glazed stoneware
- 14 x 12 x 20cm
- 2011
- $990
double wolf shine
- press moulded stoneware with glaze
- 14 x 12 x 20cm
- 2011
- $990
ball [net]
- cast bronze
- 13 x 14 x 12cm
- 2008
- $550 sold
ball [cage]
- cast bronze
- 13 x 14 x 12cm
- 2008
- $550 sold
seated dog
- hand built raku clay with glazed stoneware slip
- 22 x 12.5 x 11cm
- 2011
- $990
double head
- press moulded raku
- 20 x 18 x 12cm
- 2010
- $1,300
dark lovers
- press moulded stoneware
- 31 x 9 x 12cm + 32 x 9 x 11.5cm
- 2010
- $2,500 sold
- glazed press moulded stoneware/dd>
- 29 x 13 x 14cm
- 2011
- $1,200
golden bird and magnolia
- glaxed press moulded stoneware
- 47 x 18 x 29cm
- 2011
- $3,500
green donkey
- glazed press moulded stoneware
- 35.5 x 10 x 12cm
- 2011
- $1,500 sold
odd couple [white]
- glazed press moulded stoneware
- 10 x 11 x 7 + 18 x 12 x 7.5cm
- 2011
- $250 or $450 pair
odd couple [raspberry]
- glazed press moulded stoneware
- 10 x 11 x 7 + 18 x 12 x 7.5cm
- 2011
- $250 or $450 pair
seaweed and coral
- ink on watercolour paper
- 28.5 x 28.5cm
- 2011
- $660
sea anemone and jewels
- ink on watercolour paper
- 28.5 x 28.5cm
- 2011
- $660 sold
blue creatures
- glazed slipcast stoneware
- 38 x 13 x 16cm
- 2010
- $1,400
brown wolves
- ink on watercolour paper
- 38.5 x 28cm
- 2009
- $1,000
red flowers
- glazed slipcast stoneware
- 38 x 13 x 16cm
- 2010
- $1,400
pink flowers
- glazed slipcast stoneware
- 38 x 13 x 16cm
- 2010
- $1,400
blue birds
- ink + acrylic on watercolour paper
- 76.5 x 57cm
- 2010
- $1,700
green snake
- glazed slipcast stoneware
- 38 x 13 x 16cm
- 2010
- $1,400
blue horse + butterflies
- ink + acrylic on watercolour paper
- 57 x 39cm
- 2010
- $1,000
pink birds
- ink on watercolour paper
- 57 x 39cm
- 2009
- $1,000
head #13ii
- cardboard, glass animal eyes
- 28 x 23 x 21cm
- 2008
- $770
head from man #8 [1/5]
- lost wax cast bronze, glass eyes
- 53 x 40 x 43cm
- 2008
- $11,000
- stained porcelain
- 12.5 x 8.5 x 4.5cm
- 2013
- $330 sold