cathy blanchflower

recent paintings

12 july - 10 august 2019

Consisting of loose organic patterning, Cathy Blanchflower's current work utilises colour, shape and tonal relationships to create spaces of change and movement.

The patterns are boundless and can be perceived to continue beyond the frame suggesting unending repetitions of infinite nature and streams of consciousness. Elements in the work recall perceptions, memories, sounds/music and visual information that is broken down and translated into a concentrated visual language. Each painting has 2 or 3 layers, or 'fields' attempting to exist in harmony with each other. The responses of each shape and colour to the other sets up the energy within the work. Blanchflower attempts to find a balance between order and disorder, stillness and movement and a micro and macro view of the world.

Cathy Blanchflower has been exhibiting nationally since the early 1990s when she graduated from Curtin University. Her paintings can be found the Art Gallery of WA, National Gallery of Australia, Artbank and several university, hospital and corporate collections across Australia.




























































cathy blanchflower artwork
archz III
oil on canvas
198 x 213cm
cathy blanchflower artwork
acrylic + oil on canvas
41 x 41cm
cathy blanchflower artwork
lithic II
acrylic + oil on canvas
41 x 41cm
$1,500 SOLD
cathy blanchflower artwork
lithic III
acrylic + oil on canvas
41 x 41cm
$1,500 SOLD
cathy blanchflower artwork
ξ ξ ξ
oil on canvas
198 x 198cm
cathy blanchflower artwork
myria I
oil on canvas
107 x 107cm
cathy blanchflower artwork
myria II
oil on canvas
107 x 107cm
cathy blanchflower artwork
myria III
oil on canvas
112 x 112cm
cathy blanchflower artwork
myria IV
oil on canvas
92 x 92cm
cathy blanchflower artwork
myria V
oil on canvas
102 x 102cm
cathy blanchflower artwork
myria VI
oil on canvas
102 x 102cm
cathy blanchflower artwork
myria VII
oil on canvas
198 x 198cm
cathy blanchflower artwork
pilbara study
oil on canvas
42 x 42cm
$1,500 SOLD to turner galleries art angels