Garry Pumfrey’s exhibition of new paintings is inspired by the quietude of darkness.
Locations that hum with pedestrians, commuters and workers during the daylight hours are captured in the uneasy stillness of night. Intersections are deserted, Luna Park’s gaping maw yawns into the darkness, and shopping strips in Vic Park are unwelcoming facades of shadow. For those that fear the night, that are loath to walk alone after midnight and check under the bed before sleep, this show may seem a little menacing. But these are really paintings of great beauty that celebrate the rare quiet time in a city’s daily cycle. Small signs of life are evident such as smoke rising from factory chimneystacks, occasional lights in a tower block, or car headlights in the distance. You are not alone.
Garry’s favourite subject matters are all here: Delicatessens, factories, old style shopping strips, advertising hoardings and intersections. All united in darkness. Garry has been living in Melbourne in recent years, and has returned to Perth to paint for this exhibition. The show combines images from both cities. Garry utilises a realist style, obtaining great detail in simple brush marks. His beautifully executed paintings always sell well and we urge anyone interested in purchasing work to contact the gallery to preview the exhibition.
Garry’s artworks can be found in several collections, including the Parliament House Collection in Canberra, Murdoch University, Edith Cowan University, City of Stirling, Town of Vincent, City of Melville and the Gascoyne Town Council.