kyle hughes-odgers artwork


I continue to focus on ideas of life, death and survival shown through my interest in narrative, texture, folklore and handmade objects....

kyle hughes-odgers, 2010


Born in Perth, Australia in 1981. Kyle Hughes-Odgers is an Australian painter, illustrator and installation artist. He has exhibited artwork and created large-scale public art extensively throughout Australia and internationally in Los Angeles, New York City, Singapore and Europe. His work is in numerous private and public art collections including Murdoch University, Royal Perth Hospital and DMG architects.

In 2010 he completed a 45m seven panel public art commission for Murdoch University in Western Australia and held a successful solo exhibition at Turner Galleries. Most recently in 2012 Kyle held his first international solo exhibition in Berlin at Okazi gallery and recently completed and a 50m public art commission on the state library of Western Australia. His work has previously featured in publications such as Street Art New York, Kingbrown, and Empty magazine.